Inspired by archetypal quests to distant lands for knowledge and wisdom, the Long Gap Program is one part international scavenger hunt, one part vision quest to process the meaning of ‘Long Now’, and one part global leadership development. 

As part of the Long Gap program, the Bridges of Time quest comprises the teamwork of depositing an object of significance in one of the world’s most timeless places as an act to connect with the long-term future.

Together with my husband and travel partner Nicola, I have aided the client in designing and implementing the Bridges of Time quest.


  • User Research + Strategy

  • User Journey

  • Logistics Surveying & Design

  • Content Strategy + Copywriting

  • Program “Play Book”

  • Visual Design

OUR goal was to create augmented and value-adding travel and learning experiences for “Long Gap” participants as they take on the challenge to accomplish something deeply connected with the long-term future.


Task 1: Design Brief

• Quest statement
• Quest location
• Quest challenge and goals for participants
• Long Gap goals, program goals, and experience goals

Task 2: Quest Logistics Surveying, Research, & Design

Task 2 was carried out through an iterative design process during which milestones will be achieved at 4-week intervals. We looked to understand the needs of the participants as well as the Long Gap program, re-frame challenges, create ideas in brainstorming sessions, vet possibilities, and develop resources. The progress and milestones were reported in a shared document, and we synchronized with the client in weekly meetings.

Task 3: Quest program “Playbook”

Quest program design was presented with all details in a master document.

Touchpoint Detail


We believe in the power of experience design for traveling and learning—the power of consciously making people’s interactions with places more enjoyable and more meaningful. It’s a privilege to imagine and attempt to shape what others might encounter, and that is why we think it’s important to do it well. 

While tackling the tasks outlined in this proposal, we took stock of our discoveries through our own travel experiences. We envisioned and forecast the participants’ journey and propose ways to inform, entertain, and stimulate them when they are at each decision-making point. Lastly, we saw the participants’ interactions with the “Long Gap” program holistically and plotted the series of touchpoints to be encountered by the participants within the quest as part of the encompassing journey.




Global Passport for Avenues Online