The Challenge

You can’t build a neighborhood. Yes, with a piece of land, you can erect buildings, construct homes, bring in shops and restaurants, and create parks. But you can’t call any place with buildings, homes, shops, restaurants, and parks a neighborhood. Something is missing: people, and the evidence of a place being lived and loved by its people.

I was given a freshly designed and built neighborhood park in Seaport Boston. Everything looked new and shiny. But it didn’t feel right because it was too new and there was no presence of its users. People didn’t know its existence even though it was just a few blocks away from where they lived and worked.


  • Design Research + Strategy

  • Internal Reviews + Decision-making

  • Budgeting

  • Project Management

  • Prototyping + Installation

  • Post Installation Support

  • A Lot of Love + Care

“Before I die I want to make people feel loved.”

The Outcome: a story

Taiwanese-American artist Candy Chang turned to art when channeling grief after the loss of a loved one. She created a simple art installation on the wall of an abandoned building in New Orleans, seeking solace and perspective. She covered the wall in chalkboard paint and stenciled “Before I die I want to _______.” Within days, the wall was filled with the aspirations of her neighbors.

Since the creation of this first installation in 2011, walls have been created in over 2,000 cities across 70 countries in over 35 languages. With each installment, seeds of kinship are sewn at the feet of strangers.

Between August 2016 and October 2017, I created and managed the neighborhood’s very own Before I Die wall. It changed and evolved constantly. Each day, intimate pursuits are scribbled on the wall, from the fun and frivolous to the achingly profound.

Before I die I want to become the person my dog thinks I am.

Before I die I want to understand quantum entanglement.

Before I die I want to hug my mom.

The wall was more than a place to leave someone’s mark. Within the colorful chalk scrawl there was pain, joy, love, and hope. In our technology-driven society it was a place for people to collectively lift their heads and experience personal reflection, absolute honesty, and beautiful human connections.

Before I die I want to raise my children the best I can.

Before I die I want to marry Cheryl – she said yes!

In fall, 2016, Brazilian-born Paulo Arrais, principal dancer with the Boston Ballet, added another layer of creative expression to the wall with a performance art installment. He combined a simple audio track, reciting some of the writings on the wall, with beautifully choreographed movement to create a visual compilation of human experiences.

Following the holidays, residents in the Seaport were pleasantly surprised to find the wall temporarily altered by a clever and talented local artist. Echoing the sentiments of many, the wall read, “Before I diet… One more cupcake.” This was more than an act of guerilla art; it was a continued conversation, a humorous poke at priorities. Through some social media savvy, the cupcake caper was located, and in a final response, a beautiful box of cupcakes is headed his way. Because if there’s one thing on which we can all find common ground, its cupcakes.

Before I die(t)… one more cupcake.


“Before I die I want to dance.”


